Gerrymet - online suppliers and manufacturers of saw blades and wood cutting toolingThis is the woodworking tools information site from one of the UK’s most experienced online suppliers and manufacturers of saw blades and woodcutting tooling.

Gerrymet, who employ 17 staff, offer online a wide range of saw blades and tooling products. And such is the wide-range available on the market there is a need to provide info on those that Gerrymet supply.

circular saw blades image

You can read about Gerrymet and purchase tooling from the online supplier who have been in the industry since 1983 by clicking here – woodworking tools – or to find out more about woodwork tools and their uses by clicking on the drop-down menu on the right or the links below.

Circular Saw Blades          Bandsaw Blades        Mortise Chisels

Knives and Irons               Spindle Tooling          Woodwork Glossary

Call Gerrymet on 01543 378 805